KIF390:Hauptseite: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
50  50 . 50 50 . Hell to the yes. Hands down winner. Ring the bell. Fights over. Urgh! But if he was real I'd run a mile  come back all steawy, let him do me and run off again  cause I mean really. *waves at the professor and waits for the snarky narrator* <  that's allowed right? Sorry Gabe but Snarky does it for me. Surely the rules of fantacy boyfriends allow this. That being said Gabriel 'O' Emmerson makes you drop your panties, put them back on, rub a bit, drop them again and slide them across the floor towards him with your foot and trail your pointed toes up the back of his calm while smiling innocently Um what was I saying? *quickly flicks to chapter 19 and stares at the purple towel wishing for Supermans x-ray vision*Taking it right out of the box, I have to say Samuel, from Laura Kinsales's book "Shadow and the Star" is mesmerising and utterly swoon worthyStarted reading it and was like  whatever, he can speak Japanese, well it's not French. Then got to chapter 9. HOLY CRAP! Men in black PJ's isn't usually my thing but Samual can sneak through my window anytime. He's a shark. Just read the damn story, you'll see. I love fantasy boyfriends. They never cheat (cause you know they want the stories heroine) and they are ready and waiting whenever you are. *smiles*squally (hot now) and out.
April 29      Grazzi għall jesprimu l-idejat tiegħek ekatleni hawnIl-punt oħra hija li jekk tqum xi problema ma 'motherboard laptop, folks ma għandux ikollhom xi riskju assoċjat ma' tiswija tal-oġġett infushom għaliex jekk ma jsirx sew dan jista 'jwassal għal ħsara irreparabbli għall-laptop sħiħaHuwa ġeneralment bla periklu li l-approċċ il-negozjant ta 'dak laptop għal kull tiswija ta' dak motherboardHuma ħadthom diġe0 tekniċi ma 'l-għarfien fit-trattament ma' kumplikazzjonijiet notebook kompjuter motherboard u jista 'jkollhom l-dijanjosi dritt u jwettqu t-tiswijiet.

Version vom 17. Juni 2012, 08:07 Uhr

April 29 Grazzi għall jesprimu l-idejat tiegħek ekatleni hawn. Il-punt oħra hija li jekk tqum xi problema ma 'motherboard laptop, folks ma għandux ikollhom xi riskju assoċjat ma' tiswija tal-oġġett infushom għaliex jekk ma jsirx sew dan jista 'jwassal għal ħsara irreparabbli għall-laptop sħiħa. Huwa ġeneralment bla periklu li l-approċċ il-negozjant ta 'dak laptop għal kull tiswija ta' dak motherboard. Huma ħadthom diġe0 tekniċi ma 'l-għarfien fit-trattament ma' kumplikazzjonijiet notebook kompjuter motherboard u jista 'jkollhom l-dijanjosi dritt u jwettqu t-tiswijiet.