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#WEITERLEITUNG [[Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin]]
#WEITERLEITUNG [[Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin]]
== 7 Essential Books on Optimism ==
Every once in a while, we all get burned out. Sometimes, charred. And while a healthy dose of cynicism and skepticism may help us get by, its in those times that we need nothing more than to embrace lifes promise of positivity with open arms. Here are seven wonderful books that help do just that with an arsenal ranging from the light visceral stimulation of optimistic design to the serious neuroscience findings about our proclivity for the positive.
[[ 7 Essential Books on Optimism]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for $4700 ==
Simon Dale is a family man in Wales, the western part of Great Britain. His interest in self-sustainability and an ecological awareness led him to dig out and build his own homeone of the loveliest, warmest, most inviting dwellings you could ever imagine. And it cost him only 3,000, about $4,700 American dollars!
[[ Man Builds Fairy Tale Home for $4700]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== 5 Principles for Inner Transformation at Work ==
People go to work to sustain themselves and produce value in the world. Yet work environments can also be stressful, filled with challenging responsibilities and personalities, and feel misaligned with our most deeply cherished values. Instead of sustaining us, the workplace can sometimes feel simply draining, and at worst, unwholesome for both ourselves and the world.
[[ 5 Principles for Inner Transformation at Work]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== A Savior At the Grocery Store ==
Numbly, I left my husband, Marty, at the hospital where I had been visiting two of my children and headed for the grocery store. Since it was eleven p.m., I drove to the only store I knew was open twenty-four hours a day. I turned my car motor off and rested my head against the seat.
[[ A Savior At the Grocery Store]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== What Ive Learned About Learning ==
We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself. ~Lloyd AlexanderI am a teacher and an avid learner, and Im passionate about both.Im a teacher because I help Eva homeschool our kids OK, she does most of the work, but I do help, mostly with math but with everything else too.
[[ What Ive Learned About Learning]]
[[ - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
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